Abbey of the Most Holy Mother
© 2012 - 17 Abbey of the Most Holy Mother
Clergy at the Abbey of the Holy Mother
All of our clergy have been ordained with full apostolic succession of the original apostles of the Messiah and founder of the most ancient and holy Christian Catholic Church. Monks, Sisters, and laypeople of the Abbey work under the constant tutelage and supervision of our ordained clergy. Besides their vows of their Holy Orders, each member of our clergy, are fully dedicated to protecting and nurturing the divine feminine through programs that focus on promoting holistic and wholesome lifestyles for women, children, and families.
Rt. Rev., Dr. Robert L. Straitt, PhD, ThD, MLS
Abbey Mother
Reverend Nadine L. Straitt, BLS
Priory of the Crystal Chapel
Rev., Dr. James Wood, PhD, MA, CPA (NC)