An Abbey's ministry programs differ from many local church ministries because an Abbey is more
then a Church that holds Worship Services on Sundays, it is a place where the teachings of Jesus come
to life 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Remembering the wonderment of Creation, feeling the love of
the Holy Spirit, and giving thanks for all our blessing is not just something we do on Sundays it is how
we live every moment.
Members of the Abbey set aside various times during the week for meditation, thanksgiving, and
worship. Although are door are open to all from any faith, our formal worship services or masses are
based on and derived from one of the generally approved catholic liturgies and/or one of the generally
universally accepted Anglican prayer book. Additionally we enjoy a variety of less formal worship
services and exercises that are centered on educational activities, meditations, music, dance, or
informal discussions and prayers.
Home churches were the main stay of the Christian church for many centuries and we like to
encourage Christians of all denominations to partake in this easy to follow, wonderfully enlightening,
and spiritually fulfilling practice that was followed by Jesus and later apostles for hundred of years.
Jesus taught, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32). To
know something requires learning or education. Knowledge the something that you "know" is based
on analysis and understanding of facts. Beliefs, although not bad, are not based on knowledge, but
rather on supposition, once a belief is shown to be factually based, it can no longer be a belief because
when it is proven it becomes a fact. Beliefs are thoughts that are created by men and women based
on their desires to understand something they don't have enough facts about to explain in any other
way. A belief may be a truth or a fantasy, but once it is proven it is no longer a belief, it becomes a
fact. Facts are important because they erase fear, facts erase ignorance, facts make it difficult to be
manipulated by the great deceivers, and that is why education is so important to understanding and
actually applying the teachings of Jesus to our daily lives. If you can't understand then you cannot
know and you can never truly be free.
We believe that it is part of our mission as Christians to help provide the educational support to
individuals in family so that they can truly understand the teaching of Jesus and be able to implement
sound decisions in every aspect of life. From math to language to science to anthropology education
is fundamental to fulfilling the works of the Holy Spirit as Jesus taught us.
Interfaith Missions
Community Emersion
Working and interacting with people from all faiths and walks of life was and still is a critical
aspect of Jesus' teachings. When we focus on the actual facts about Jesus' ministry, we gain the
knowledge of the truth, the truth that frees us from the stigmas of society and allows us to reach out
to those who are not only in need of Jesus' teachings, but who by the grace of the Holy Spirit have
come to a place in there lives where they are ready and able to hear the truth. Reaching out beyond
the safe walls of a lovely church building to the streets, homes, coffee shops, and other places allows
us to touch those with divine love that Jesus taught and practiced. With the mass exodus of people
from our churches over the last few decades, it is even more imperative that the Abbey be more
integrated into the daily lives of all of those around us in the community.
Faith Based Technology Transfer
When you go to bed tonight will you be shutting off your room lights? Will there be a night
light in you bathroom perhaps when you get up for a glass of clean water? Many people, most of
them children, will go into a dark bed room tonight, a room with no light to turn on. If they have
eaten at all it will have been in a darkly lit room, on food that was probably cooked over dried
animal dung, or maybe wood if they were lucky. MAREH, the Mission for the Applications of
Renewable Energy for Humanity is our faith based mission to reach out to people around the world
to give them a real chance for a better tomorrow. From learning about how technology and people
interact, to showing people how to more with less energy, to helping teach the next generation about
energy management and substantial practices, our staff of experts from around the globe come
together to help their fellow man.
Handy-Person Missions
Reaching out to the community through being able to help others help themselves is one of the
most fundamental requirements of Christian teachings. The members of the Abbey share their
abilities to provide handy-person services to people in the community. From shopping for the elderly
and infirmed, to home and business maintenance and minor remodeling projects, to yard work and
trash removal, to performing home and business energy audits, no project is too small for the Abbey's
Handy-Person's out reach program to tackle. Proceeds from these project go to support the Abbey
and its missions.